Dr. Karen Tedesco's Fundraiser
Help Me Rock the Runway and Reach My Fundraising Goal!
I'm thrilled to share that I've been selected as a model for an upcoming Rock Your Style® fundraiser on Saturday, September 21 to support the NYOH Community Cancer Foundation. This means that I'm raising awareness and funds to help local people with cancer!
I'm on a mission to reach a fundraising goal and I would be so grateful for your support. Help me make a fashionable statement for a good cause by clicking on the DONATE button now.
A very special thank you to Akira Medical Imaging + Wellness, an NYOH Affiliate Imaging Center who MATCHED my first $2,500 raised towards my fundraising goal! This is HUGE. Special thanks to my colleagues for believing in me and for their support!
And, mark your calendars for Saturday, September 21 @ Empire Live in Albany. Doors open at 6 PM. You won't want to miss me strutting my stuff for this amazing cause. See you there!
For more information, visit: www.nyohfoundation.org/rockyourstyle.